Butler Berith

The Demon Butler VTuber



The Hierarchy of Hell is the only sort of order as the rest of Hell is consumed by Anarchy, only punished when a member of the Hierarchy loses their temper.The Hierachy consists of;
Lucifer, the Red King of Wrath
Beelzebub,the Green Princess of Envy
Leviathan, the Orange Prince of Gluttony
Mammon, the Yellow Prince of Greed
Astaroth, the Purple Princess of Pride
Asmodeus, the Pink Prince of Lust
Berith Belphegor, the Blue Prince of Sloth


Berith was previously the Demon Prince of Sloth that would tempt people into doing work for him with his charm, power and influence while tending to slack off on his duties, choosing to mess around instead.After many millennia, he was involved in an incident he chooses not to discuss which led to him being stripped of his power and placement in the hierarchy by Lucifer, reducing him to a Butler serving under Princess Beelzebub.In order to restrain him, Lucifer mixed his main sin of Sloth with Greed, turning him into a conflicted mess of laziness and desire, wanting everything but not having the strength to do so.Now he streams in his off time, wanting to try and put some good into the world due to what he has done because despite what is said about Demons, they aren't that bad and thats what he wants to show to the world! Although his past mistakes and inflated ego still haunt him...Also is a Simp.

The Incident

The day I was discovered by those exorcists is one I will never forget. Sometimes when I close my eyes I remember the screams and
looks of horror on those peoples faces.
I believed they would love me, people would accept me and I'd be able to enjoy a night of freedom and be able to figure things out about humans I never knew before.I wanted to explore new things and that's what I did. I discovered the Internet and the wonderful content creators on there that seemed to make me laugh more than I ever could. I discovered wonderful TV shows, they inspire me in so many ways. Foods I never had tried, places I'd ever knew existed.It all came to an end at that party though. I never realised my wings were out. I scared them all away. I got caught and attacked. I caused the fear in all those people I so adored, their screams burned into my soul. I'm sorry.It was a dark day for me, I felt alone, rejected by the people I was so fascinated by. I was of course stripped of my position and had my power limited due to allowing the public to know demons are real and causing a ban on demons traveling to the living world for several years.Only today am I allowed to access the living world again, I even started streaming just like the people I saw on the Internet. Im starting to feel like me again. I think the power limit is starting to fade as well. Any day now I'll be the old me again, my bright blue glory.